New laboratory methodology into use at Batut microbiology laboratories

Two THL microbiology experts are currently on a mission in Belgrade to support their colleagues from Batut Institute in the implementation of the whole genome sequencing (WGS) methodology in the microbiology laboratory practice.

The WGS methodology helps public health professionals and researchers detect precisely and quickly what bacterium or virus caused a disease, where it started and how it spread in the population. Better understanding of an outbreak’s picture enables effective measures to stop and eliminate the public health threat.

The WGS equipment was purchased and delivered to Batut Institute earlier as part of another EU-funded supply project. The sequencer was installed, and all technical and operational checks and verifications were completed prior to the mission. A few microbiologists from Batut previously participated in a study visit to the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) as part of this Twinning project, where they were guided through the whole WGS cycle by their THL peers.

The current mission started with an orientation meeting where the experts discussed all critical questions, vulnerabilities, and mitigation measures pertaining to the first-ever WGS run in the Batut Institute’s environment. Afterwards, the THL and Batut microbiologists proceeded to the laboratory premises and embarked on the practical work. Contrary to the study visit’s arrangements, now Batut microbiologists perform the laboratory procedures and THL observe from aside and advise when necessary. All in all, the mission will last 4 days. In addition to the completion of the sequence run, the experts will discuss and plan a training module on WGS basics, which will be conducted in early March 2025 for Serbian specialists.

The adoption of WGS at the Batut Institute marks a significant step forward in strengthening Serbia’s public health system. With enhanced capabilities to identify, track, and respond to infectious disease outbreaks, the Institute is better equipped to protect the health of the country’s population.

Last updated: March 10, 2025, 16:26